Jung Da-eun Prison Janki Open…

2019-10-09 00:05:13

Han Seohee's short stature reaction

Jeongda opened Jankey at this prison.

This is because Han Seo Hee talked about his keys ridiculously small.

Jung Dae-eun appeared in the Labang filmed by Han Seo-hee on the 8th.

Starting at ten o'clock, in Labang, Jung Dae-eun got up in bed with no makeup and responded to the filming.

When Han Seo-hee talked about the relationship between two people, he continued to answer the question.

When Han Seo-hee talked about the size of the other Korean women's height, Jeong-eun denied that she was not active.

This was much larger than the basic key, which was much larger than the one that Seo Seo-hee released in counterattack.

Han Seo-hee said, "Jan Ki in prison," and for those who are not familiar with it, she continues to publish the word "Prison."