The menopausal women's physiology and depression have much more phytoestrogens than pomegranates.

2019-10-09 04:05:04

Self-diagnosis in women's menopause includes irregular menstruation, more than a year after the end of menstruation, hot and cold sweats on the face, body shattering cold and frequent waking up at night, and heartbeats for no reason.

Early menopausal symptoms include menstrual disorders, muscle joint pain, sleep disorders, depression, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness / urination disorders.

As the most important turning point in women's health is said to be menopausal, experts say menopause is healthy after menopause.

Pomegranate not only improves menopausal symptoms but also helps with high blood pressure and beauty.

The juice also contains much more phytoestrogens than pomegranates.

It is a transitional period from sexual maturity to old age, endocrine function, especially ovarian function declines, gradually menstrual irregularities, aovulation, menopause, accompanied by genital atrophy and systemic aging.

About 30% of menopausal people are treated, but they usually heal on their own for a year or two, and treatment usually replenishes hormones.