BTS Jimin, Army of Wars Park Lai vs. Park Seren?

2019-10-09 17:45:08

BTS Jimin's two solo songs played against Twitter on the Korean real-time trends.

The two songs, with no concessions between fans, are `` Rye '' and `` Serendi Fitti '', which proved to be world-wide by ranking first and second in the top 40 UK songs of 2019 UK Official Charts BTS.


The confrontation, which began with ami's suggestion on Twitter, followed the wave of preference votes, was divided into "Lai" wave and "Serendipity Tipa".

The atmosphere was confronted by a close encounter.

Fans "don't forget Bak Rai's sexyness to pick Bak Seren and not forget Bak Seren's neatness to pick Bak Rai"

"If you choose between Park Lai and Park Seren, I will choose Lai. I was shocked when the Lai dance was released." "20,000 votes!

The relay continued, further increasing tension.

Also, "Do you know that you can't win the blood sweat Jimin to fight Bak Lai Park Seren?", "Why cheer for Bak Seren:

There is nothing clean in the world as much as I have to protect. "