'How to pick and store butterbur' Juices and juices are made from coltsfoot or coltsfoot

2019-10-10 02:05:06

Butterbur juice and juice can be made from coltsfoot, coltsfoot, or coltsfoot roots.

Prepare and trim the butterbur.

After that, prepare bananas, mix them with water, and grind them in a blender.

Separate stems and leaves and boil them.

Roast it with minced garlic and salt, but the butterbur herb goes well with perilla and perilla oil.

In addition, you can also cook with Gyeokjeol and Kimchi.

Buttering the butterbur can be easily peeled off after boiling in salted water.

Boiling after peeling can shorten the cooking time.

Butterbur daedae is also cooked a lot.

Butter fried with sesame seed stew, 1 butter, 1 green onion, 1 red pepper, 1 cheongyang pepper, 1 onion, half chopped garlic, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, half a tablespoon of salt, perilla oil, perilla powder, water 50cc, liquid seasoning.


Add a tablespoon of salt to 1 liter of water and boil it.

Boil about 20 minutes.

It takes longer to boil compared to other herbs. 3.

Soak in cold water for 1 hour. 4.

Cut the buttercup into 4 ~ 5cm length and trim it. 5.

Cut the leek and mix it with chopped garlic, soy sauce, half a tablespoon of salt, and perilla oil to make a sauce.

6. Stir-fry with sliced ​​onion, and then add sliced ​​chilli pepper and red pepper.

7. Put perilla powder and fry again.

The picking method is that the leaves will not wither, and pick a hard one when you press the stem.

The stem should not be too thick or thin, and the stem should be straight.

Storage can be stored for 2 to 3 days in unwashed plastic bags and sealed in a refrigerator fresh room.

It is recommended to eat fresh butterburs as soon as possible, and keep them in a plastic pack to refrigerate at the proper storage temperature of 0 ~ 5 ℃ to prevent moisture from drying out.

Keep your bones healthy to prevent osteoporosis.

Drinking coltsfoot juice for dry cough or sputum removal is known to be effective, and has been used for hemostatic use in oriental medicine.

The side effect is asteraceae, so be careful of allergies, because it contains ingredients called pyrrolidin alkaloids (PA), which can cause liver toxicity.

Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended.