Caused by varicose vein pain, patients diagnosed with varicose veins in the hot summer season

2019-09-17 03:05:03

Varicose veins are caused by obesity, pregnancy, aging, family history and trauma. More varieties of varicose veins diagnosed in the hot summer season are compared to other seasons.

For diagnosis, it is advisable to see a specialist who treats varicose veins.

At the time of treatment, the patient is observed in the standing position, and the appearance and distribution of pain, skin changes, the presence of inflammatory reactions due to phlebitis, and the distribution and thickness of the expanded blood vessels are observed.

After such a physical examination, an ultrasound of the veins is performed.

Ryu means hump.

In other words, varicose veins refers to vascular diseases in which the veins of the human body expand or swell like a bump due to some cause or cause a problem in the valve that prevents blood backflow.

Varicose veins may be treated by compression stocking or injection, or by incision surgery, or by non-invasive surgery such as laser therapy, radiofrequency, or vascular therapy.

Nowadays, with the development of medical technology, treatment is possible in various ways that improve the existing problems.

Types include the types and symptoms of spider veins, common varicose veins due to venous valve insufficiency, chronic venous insufficiency (advanced varicose veins), and each symptom is slightly different.

Observation of symptoms is necessary.