Big among swing kids…

2019-10-22 15:45:07


'Swing Kids' Park Ji-eun's legendary practice practice has been unveiled in earnest, and attention is focused on whether golf dream trees can run at high speed.

In the first broadcast of the week, Park Ji-eun was surprised to learn how golfers can exercise immediately when swinging, a common task for golfers.

Just put a cookie in your mouth and swing the cookie to prevent it from breaking.

Kim Kuk-jin also made a big topic among golfers so as to say that it is the first secret to see golf in 27 years.

It is expected that Park Ji-eun, who once gained a reputation as one of the world's best “Buddy Queens” by training for the “Putter Lessons” that children want to receive most, is expected to confirm the dignity of the general manager.

Golf dream trees are expecting how much they can grow with Park Ji-eun's special training.