If you have a total score of 16, you can have mild depression.

2019-09-18 01:05:12

Diagnosis of depression is the CES-D scale, one of the most commonly used self-report scale tests for screening depression.

A total score of 16 or more is considered to be mildly depressed, and a score of 21 or more is moderate and a score of 25 or more is considered severe.

Physical and psychological examinations are also available.

Psychiatric counseling and treatment are essential, and moderate to severe depression requires antidepressant medication.

Antidepressants increase the hormone called serotonin, which improves depressive symptoms, and there are few side effects that can safely treat depression.

Symptoms of depression are persistent depression, which leads to lack of motivation and interest, and sleep disorders such as insomnia.

It can also lead to loss of appetite, worthlessness, negative thoughts, and excessive guilt.

In addition, everyday life is difficult because it can lead to repeated thoughts about suicide.

Initial remission rate is 70-80% within 2 months.