Shred the paprika with the paprika potatoes and add 2 tablespoons of garlic

2019-10-03 01:05:16

Paprika can be marinated with potatoes, sliced ​​with 2 tablespoons of garlic and oil and fry together.

It's a little sweet, so it's good to drink juice.

If you grind it together with the kiwi and eat it as juice, you can get more vitamin C and folic acid benefits.

Paprika can be roasted in oil, as the nutrients are not destroyed even after cooking.

Unlike fruits and vegetables, which are cooked and destroyed, they help to absorb nutrients.

Calorie and efficacy vary slightly by color.

Red paprika may be slightly higher in calories because it is more sugary than yellow paprika.

Efficacy includes anemia improvement, immune strengthening and homeostasis, skin improvement, diabetes improvement, and prevention of visual acuity.