“Carrot calorie” carrots have more vitamin A than other vegetables.

2019-10-05 02:45:06

Carrots are good for your eyes.

Carrots contain more vitamin A than other vegetables.

Vitamin A is a very good ingredient for eye health, and it can help relieve symptoms if your eyes are tired and you have corneas or dry eyes, or when your eyes are dim or cloudy.

Carrots are root vegetables that love a cool climate.

Sowing should be done when temperature exceeds 10 ℃

Wash the dirt on the surface thoroughly to remove water, then seal and refrigerate it, or wrap it in newspaper with the soil and keep it in a shaded and cool place.

Often low calories, but high glycemic foods think that is a common sense.

Carrots are not foods that can be eaten in large quantities at one time and are not fattening because of their low carbohydrate content.

Calorie is 100g and 37kcal, which is one of the favorite foods of many dieters.