I was expecting “naturally”

2019-10-05 07:05:06

On the 10th episode of MBN 'Naturally' broadcasted on the 5th, Kim Jong-min's best friend Shinji-Chun Myung-hoon-Gangnam will appear in Hyuncheon Village 'Woneyni House'.

Seeing those who appeared in a strange atmosphere, Eun Jiwon responded that he had already anticipated a guest visit, saying, “May I have foretold my children?”

I was excited about his performance because I was going to 'official stay' in Hyeoncheon Village.

The field that embarrassed them, “What is this?” Was a rice paddy in a village where rice was collapsed all over due to typhoon damage.

Shinji-Chun Myung-hoon-Gangnam, a city person trio, said, “We…

Do you know how to do this? ”,“ I think it's going to be difficult for the five of us ”, but he went to the left and right.