Oh Jung-yeon, seduced by eloquent words, the faint empowerment of talk, and mention of broadcasters like

2019-10-08 09:05:05

Oh Jung-Yeon, Seduced by New Year's Eve Worship

Oh Jung-yeon expressed his feelings about the KBS Korean Warrior Hangul Day Special Feature.

Oh Jung-yeon smiled with a humorous paper placard called "Double Point, Asking for Deduction."

Oh Jung-yeon added a curious comment, creating a mysterious situation.

Oh Jung-yeon also said that he could know it by watching TV.

Oh Jung-yeon unveiled a talk with his former colleagues in May and showed a talk of Myungbul Vanity.

At the time, Lee Hye-Sung announcer's personal impression of monkey was very popular.

Lee Hye-sung's personal life was rated as Jeon Hyun-moo.

On the other hand, Oh Jung-yeon said, "If you watch the main broadcast, you will know why I smile!"

You said you went home.