
'The cause of early cervical cancer ...'

2019-10-26 02:05:09

Cervical cancer is ranked 4th among all cancers occurring in Korea and 1st among cancers occurring in women.

By age group, those in their 40s were the most, at 26.8%, and the incidence was highest in their 50s and 30s.

Cervical cancer is a cancer that often occurs in women along with breast cancer.

In order to live healthy, you have to take care of your body and mind by eating, exercising, and relieving your own stress.

It is also helpful to get a vaccination that will prevent the disease.

Human papillomavirus helps to prevent cervical cancer, and the country now provides free vaccination to 12-year-old female adolescents.

It is rarely early, but intermittent vaginal bleeding after intercourse or postmenopausal bleeding may occur.

If the lesion is advanced, persistent and massive vaginal bleeding, malodorous vaginal discharge may occur, and worse, rectal bleeding, hematuria, and pain.

Treatment methods include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

These therapies are chosen based on the extent of cancer, or "stage."

Along with the staging, the cancer's size, age, general condition, and future childbirth are determined by consideration.

The most important thing in prevention is to find and treat precancerous lesions before they become cancer.

According to the National Cancer Screening Recommendation, women over 20 years old are recommended to have cervical cytology every three years.

Based on the National Cancer Screening Recommendation, the National Cancer Screening Project, which conducts cervical cytology every two years, is conducted free of charge.

You can also talk to your doctor and choose a routine screening method that works for you, taking into account your age, risk factors, and health conditions.
