
Children born after 'fly away' World Cup, Ahn Jung-hwan?

2020-03-03 17:45:11

Are you a celebrity?

'Fly away' Ahn Jung-hwan is the new special manager.

KBS 2TV 'Flying Shooter-New Beginning', which is broadcasted on the 3rd, will be shown the FC shooter who continues the 6th evaluation game with strong opponent Incheon United Academy.

Following the match, FC Shooter will receive a new special manager.

It is the legend of Korean football Ahn Jung-hwan.

As soon as Ahn Jung-hwan appeared, he was attacked by a pack bomb attack.

The shooters who saw Terius Ahn Jung-hwan, who was active in the 2002 World Cup, left an honest impression when the real Ahn Jung-hwan appeared in front of them.

I wonder how Ahn Jung-hwan looked in the eyes of pure shooters.

In addition, shooters born after the 2002 World Cup misunderstood Ahn Jung-hwan as an entertainer, causing a boom.

The children said, "I saw them in a bunch." I started asking Ahn to sign.

Ahn Jung-hwan, compared to former special director Lee Dong-guk, said, "I'm a little better at soccer."

Not seemingly interested in the appeal of Ahn Jung-hwan, the shooters took a different action and embarrassed him.

In addition, Ahn Jung-hwan was rumored to be anxious to coaches with 'dung chips' that did not properly grasp the shots.

Can Ahn Jung-hwan adapt to the FC shooter safely?

Ahn Jung-hwan, the manager of Hwang-hwan, who is unfamiliar with other shooters, can be seen in the 9th episode of KBS 2TV 'Fly Shooting-New Beginning', which is broadcast on Tuesday, March 3 at 8:55 pm.
